這次日本遭到空前的天災,許多單位及民間團體發愛心救濟活動。 經過理事們查詢討論,我們建議以下樂捐方式。在您能力範圍內,懇請您加以協助。災民們一定會感謝您的善行。
Dear TAAGO members,
After the devastated earthquake and tsunami, the relocation, recovery, and rebuilt of the affected areas will need great effort and assistance. To make donations, below is a list of organizations contributing to the relief effort. Your generosity will be great help and greatly appreciated.
1. 透過全美同鄉會,請依下列方法寄出您的救濟金,如此,一面救災,一面做外交。
Please make your contribution checks payable to TAA-USA and note "Japan Relief" in the memo line.
Mail the check to TAA Treasurer
Dr. Ting-ing Okajima (賴騰英)at
5017 Glenaire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017, her home phone no. is
614-761-1781. A receipt will be returned to you for claiming a tax exemption.
紅十字會,請上該會網站 捐款(或點一下
紅十字會幾個字)。 依下列方法捐獻
This link leads to "Donate funds to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief" and to a Donation Form. The mailing address is indicated on the form.
Make donation through a registered charity.